Wednesday 6 April 2011

Boldly Venturing into the Vegan

 I'd seen this recipe before going to Greece, but it seemed like such a lot of work, I kept buying the ingredients, putting it off and using them for something else. Finally, I'd decided to hunker down and just try it. This recipe probably had the most prep work out of any I've made, but with very tasty results. Its a vegan version of moussaka with roasted tomato sauce and a whole lotta vegetables. To prepare myself for being in the kitchen for 3 hours, I also tried re-creating the Greek coffee I had while on vacation, using this set of instructions and the coffee I'd picked up from the grocery store near our hotel.

and yes, I realize that by putting parmesan crisps on top, I ruin the whole vegan-ness of the recipe, but I'm a poor student and need to make full use of everything in my fridge. 

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