Monday 20 September 2010

Afternoon Tea

Another novelty is the tea-party, an extraordinary meal in that, 
being offered to persons that have already dined well, 
it supposes neither appetite nor thirst, and has no object but distraction, 
no basis but delicate enjoyment.  
Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, The Physiology of Taste

If I were to only be allowed one more meal for the rest of my life, it would be afternoon tea. I have already tried to smuggle clotted cream back to Canada (but they took it away, because we are apparently not allowed raw milk products there.) Having very little money but a craving for a proper tea, I headed to Marks & Spencer. Its not even remotely as fancy as Harrods or the ones offered by the fancy hotels (and unfortunately doesn't include any proper desserts), but it'll do in a pinch. It includes...

  • Fruit scone, jam, and clotted cream
  • Sandwich assortment including egg mayonnaise and watercress on brown bread, ham and mature cheddar on brown, prawns with egg mayo on oatmeal bread, and roast chicken/tomato/cucumber/lettuce and egg mayo on brown
  • Tea of choice and a small shortbread biscuit

Happiness for only 7 quid. 

An interesting combination of 1/4 sandwiches. 

Look! Canadian salmon!! 

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