Wednesday 22 September 2010

Whole Foods Goodness

Happened across the only Whole Foods in the U.K today. I think I had been in the one in N.Y when I was there but I have to say, I really wish I had one in Nottingham. There was a plethora of organic produce, baking ingredients, everything! I was particularly excited about the bulk muesli mix (yes, I know I need to find a hobby). You get a plastic container and can fill it up with whatever you want (desiccated coconut, oat flakes, bran, sliced almonds..) and are charged by weight. The picture is a little foggy but you can kind of see the mix I put together for only 3 quid. I can't quite remember what I put in but it was mostly nuts and seeds with some coconut and bran flakes. You could also grind your own peanut, almond and cashew butter.

I had already eaten dinner before stopping by there that day, so I ended up going back another day to grab lunch at their hot food and salad bar. Naturally, wanted to try a little bit of everything, I put tiny amounts of an assortment of things into one little flat fee box and tried it all in their upstairs cafeteria. In hind sight, it probably wasn't the best combination of things to eat in one go but hey, I knew I wouldn't have a chance to go back for a while. Here's what I tried... (p.s note the wood cutlery...hippies, gotta love em!)

  • Spinach tortilla
  • Fruit salad
  • Rocket salad with feta, sprouts and balsamic
  • Grilled aubergines and courgettes
  • Sweet potato couscous with cranberries
  • Arame, radish, and cucumber salad
  • Spelt
  • Mixed sprouted beans
  • Lemon bulgur salad

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