Tuesday 28 September 2010

Veggies Veggies Everywhere

Before leaving for the rainy land, my sister had told me about something done in Canada and the US called the CSA box. It is a program where you can get a regular delivery of fresh produce from a local farm. I thought this was a lovely support-the-little-people type of idea to satisfy my aquarian humanitarian tendencies, while also receiving fruit and vegetables that haven't been sitting on a plane/train/automobile for the past 2 weeks while they're flown from a far away land. I started researching to see if anyone did this for Nottingham and lo and behold, I came across Riverford Organics. After stumbling across their booth at the local Fine Food Market while exploring the city, I decided to order a mini vegbox for the following week. For 8.95 pounds I received the following...

  • 2 heads of calabrese broccoli
  • Savoy cabbage
  • Carrots
  • 4 potatoes
  • 4 onions
  • French beans
  • Swiss chard
It was delivered right to my door, at no extra charge, and came delightfully covered in dirt, freshly pulled from the ground. The box is meant for one to two people for a week and I've been trying to eat in all in the past two. Granted, some things, such as the swiss chard, I had never tried in my life and needed to google recipes for, but it was a fun way to try something different (and it all tasted wonderful!) The farm also sells fruit boxes, meat boxes, and all items separately as well. No need to commit to a regular order either, you can try as often or as seldom as you like. Because of the amount of food, I don't think I will need to order another for at least another week. 

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