Sunday 2 January 2011

A Note on Jacket Potatoes

Firstly, happy new year everyone! I hope you all made some resolutions you don't intend to keep and sang Auld Lang Syne drunkenly 15 minutes past midnight because you all buggered up and got the time wrong.

Secondly, the last several days I've had a odd craving to try a jacket potato with tuna and sweetcorn mayo on it. Must've seen it on a menu of some dirty little chip shop and my brain thought, hey, that sounds tasty. So today, I decided to give it a go.

Now, jacket potatoes, for those Canadians out there, are really just baked potatoes with random crap thrown on em. Random crap traditionally being baked beans and cheese or could be chili con carne, or just about anything really. Just google 'Jacket Potato fillings' for some very long lists of ideas.

Tuna sweetcorn (canned tuna, canned sweetcorn, mayo, salt, pepper) seems to be more typically a sandwich filling here but I felt like a potato so I googled the best way to bake a potato, which it turns out, is at about 200 degree celcius for just over an hour, with a scrubbed potato that's been lightly covered in olive oil to get it all crispy on the outside. Slice that baby open then plop on your toppings and you're good to go.

Feeling as though I should probably include some veggies to round it out, I tossed together a bit of a salad with a lemon vinaigrette (lemon juice, olive oil, thyme, salt, pepper, whole grain mustard) and there you have it - a meal fit for a.... er...well...student. 

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