Wednesday 24 November 2010

Global vs. Ethical

So as I said before, I attended a very interesting conference on global and ethical fashion. I got a chance to listen to five speakers, all from different aspects of the industry, speak about topics related to their careers.

My favorite speaker, who I found most informative, (and probably the most passionate) was Lyla Patel. She is head of education at TRAID, a recycling and upcycling company in the UK. This company takes clothing donations from their boxes across the country, hand sorts them, and either resells them at their store locations, turns them into new garments to sell, or passes them along to someone else that can use them.

The interesting thing about their stores is that they are each designed to cater to the market of the area they are in. Unlike usual second-hand stores, these are trendy and eye-catching, with music to suit the tastes of the people in that area.

I am very much looking forward to writing my dissertation now (yes, I know I am a geek.)

The picture below was during lunch, I ran over to Lee Rosy's tea shop, which was across from the Broadway Cinema where the talks were taking place, and grabbed a salmon sandwich and a caramel tea latte - which was very tasty, I will have to go back. The list of speakers is tucked under my plate but you can go to The Trend Boutique website to read more about who was there.

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