Wednesday 10 November 2010

Scotch Eggs

So there have been a few things I've discovered while living here that, although each wondrously disgusting in their own way, have become very dear to my heart.

To name a few...

- Beans on toast
- Beans on baked potatoes with cheese
- Beans on anything, really... Hey, I'm a student
- Flapjacks (oats, golden syrup - see: sugar ) with toffee and chocolate coating
- Proper chips (chunky fries) usually coated in mushy peas
-Yorkshire pudding (which, to be fair, was already dear to my heart before moving here and may have been one of the main reasons I had for moving here...other than clotted cream, of course)
- Millionaires shortbread (chocolate, caramel and shortbread)
- Steak pie
- Cornish pasty
- Bubble and squeak (fried roast dinner vegetables)

...and I'm sure this list will be added to while I am here. Stay tuned, folks.

Now one of things I had been eyeing but hadn't gotten around to trying was a scotch egg. Hard boiled egg, tucked inside ground meat, coated in breadcrumbs. Sounds dirty, doesn't it? Well of course I had to try it. And I did. And it was glorious.

Cooked in the oven. Ate it with some spinach/feta/dried cranberries/balsamic vinaigrette salad just so I didn't feel too dirty after the fact.

A close up of the wondrous concoction. Lightly spiced meat (pork I think, but who cares).

Best part? Costs 80p at your local Tesco. 


  1. ok so everything I can believe you might/may try exc the mushy peas on fries thingy
    totally gross
    beyond gross
    I am going to have to check the garden for pods - where is my real daughter?

  2. but yes, I know how good millionaire's shortbread is!

  3. tbh i actually don't mind mushy peas. and im starting to become particular about how i have my tea. must be being converted or something.
