Monday 22 November 2010

The Longest Drive

Travelled to London for the day (about 2 1/2 to 3 hours drive - each way) to visit the competitors of the retailer we are researching for our group project. We split off into pairs and visited as many stores as we could, taking pictures and making notes along the way. Who knew shopping could be so much hard work?  But I can't complain because I managed to find a Whole Foods and pick up a lovely assortment of goodies, including rice wraps, brown flour, agave nectar, and a mixture of strange and wondrous veggies for dinner.

Selfridge's Happy Christmas sign. (pfft...'happy' christmas. its merry christmas, geez.)

Selfridge's windows full of toys

This one was my favorite. Little bright caravans, stuffed with toy rabbits, all interlinked. Oddly enough, reminded me of that computer game Riven, where the people all lived in little interlinked pods. 

Ted Baker's slightly creepy window of Santa as Marilyn Monroe. He had hairy legs and everything.

Liberty's window with beautiful vintage details. 

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