Tuesday 9 November 2010

Tamatanga and Woodbine (revised)

Yes, yes, I know I've been absolute rubbish at keeping up with this. Been caught in the lovely whirlwind of spending too much time out socializing and not enough doing work and now its come back to bite me in the elbow. Take note children and you could prevent yourself from falling prey.

Regardless, I am now catching up on the next several posts from October 26th to November 5th, so enjoy.

October 26th brought about my second trip to Tamatanga, this time, with Sam. Got the same curry that I loved the first time (Sam tried a full bowl of it, as well) and I got a few other little veggie dishes I hadn't tried yet. Still not sure what they were but they were good, thats all that mattered. Also tried a pistachio lassi but the mango was better.

Tamatanga thali with garlic coriander naan, mango chutney, poppadums, potato cake of some sort, curry and a couple veg dishes. 

Sam's curry and rice

Saw this lovely little baby on the way home from the restaurant. Reminded me of good ol Woodbine mall. Shout out to my Toronto peeps. 

...Wow. I can't believe I just said that on the internet. Now I can never take it back.


  1. ok, so I am old and out of the loop
    but what did you mean? shout out to my toronto peeps? better explain it to me :(

  2. awwe its just like wanting to say hi to your mom while you're on television. just acknowledgment of their continued existence, i suppose.
