Tuesday 9 November 2010

Pool to the Liver

Had a class trip to Liverpool for the day. We were meant to explore the main shopping areas, including Liverpool One (a large outdoor mall). Sam buggered off to geek out on Beatles paraphenalia and I went off to explore to vintage stores and pop into a chocolate shop based off the movie Chocolat. Educational, I know.

I ended up finding a Halloween costume at a vintage shop (went as a damsel in distress in a pouffy ice-blue frock - pictures of which will not be made public...) and taking some lovely pictures along the way.

Skillful picture with my finger in front of the only reason why I took the photo...The pirate flag. Its behind my index. See it? Yeah....me neither. 


Well ladies and gentleman, that was Liverpool. Please keep your hands and legs inside the vehicle until it comes to a complete stop. 

Thank you for visiting. 


  1. about time blogslacker!
    I have been waiting.....
    what was the building with the rainbowy decor? and was there really a pirate flag on that ship? not sure if I believe you :)

  2. the rainbowy building was just a coffee shop on the main floor. not sure what else was in it but it was quite pretty, wasn't it?

    and yes, there was a pirate flag. and it was awesome. and i missed it. worst day ever.
