Friday 8 October 2010

Goose Fair

Sam and I decided to head down to the Goose Fair today, which, despite the name, had absolutely no geese. It was similar to the Midway at the Stampede (for any Calgarians in the house) or to the Ex (for you Torontonians.) There were a bunch of rides, greasy fair food, and kiddies to boot.

Some of the most common food available included huge vats of mushy peas that were spooned into cups on tossed over chips. They also had full roasts with stuffing available. Now that's class. 

Saw this little yellow afro man sitting in one of the carny trucks and made Sam take a picture. Just had to. 

Proving that the rubber ducky game is a universal happiness inducer. 

We were meandering past the game stalls when this lovely little treasure, tucked inconspicuously in between an 'I Love You' bear and a stuffed pink pig, caught my eye.

Something about their faces reminds me of Glottis from Grim Fandango...

Jiminy cricket!

Somehow not as threatening when you realize it looks like a Bionicle. 

 The prices for the rides were ridiculous at 2 quid a pop, which, considering most of them were so similar to Stampede rides, I would've thought they'd flown the same ones in, weren't really worth it. So we meandered and people-watched instead, stopping to have some interesting food along the way... Sam had some chips and gravy, as well as a toffee apple. I opted for something a little more unusual... Ostrich burger!! I chose the cherry tomato relish which was fab, and I fully intend to try making it soon. It tasted similar to beef, but less fatty so a little drier, similar to bison but with a bit of a spice to it. 

The lovely ladies of Dinky Donuts. 

I'm pretty sure it was my sister that told me to buy a coconut from a street vendor so on our way back, we picked one up. I was so excited to try it, we asked the vendor to crack it open for our walk home and he found a rather knife to do the trick. After worrying that he was going to whack his fingers off, he eventually got it open and we spent the half hour walk back trying to pry bits off with our fingernails. 

Totally worth the 80p.


  1. the angus one would be similar to alberta beef I assume? but i wonder what kangaroo tastes like? should ask Joe - bet he tried it when down under

  2. it was a toss up between the two... but i settled on ostrich because i had a vision of the kangaroo from winnie the poo and just couldn't quite bring myself to do it.
