Saturday 16 October 2010

The Old Market Square

The main open area downtown is the Old Market Square. Its the largest such square in the country and is often used for fairs and the like. Sam and I were downtown, doing research for a project, and decided to stop by the Fine Food Market for some treats. There were a lot of meat booths, offering pork pies and sausage, as well as several dessert spots with cupcakes, flapjacks, and Guinness chocolate cake. There was a steak and ale stew with duck fat roasted potatoes that looked delicious but I opted for a beautiful little fruit tart with custard and Sam got a Pina Colada cupcake. 

Fruit tarty goodness.

The booths of the fair. 

Some of the old buildings surrounding the square.


  1. I do believe this is more of a food blog than a 'living in nottingham' blog you know :P

  2. 'tis true. maybe i should change it to eating in nottingham??
