Sunday 17 October 2010

"If you’re afraid of butter, just use cream."

Note: Never watch food related movies right before bed. Last night, I watched Julie & Julia and all I could think about was all the recipes I wanted to try (including Julia Child's famous boeuf bourguignon - but that will have to wait for another day.) I finally settled on attempting crepes for breakfast the next day.

It is now Sunday morning. The crepe batter has been prepared and is waiting patiently in our over-stuffed fridge, until it is ready to be fried up into adulthood. Here goes...Should you wish to attempt this for yourself, here is the recipe I used.

Here's all the ingredients. 
P.S I love that eggs aren't refrigerated here.

Mix all the dry ingredients.

Mix all the wet ingredients. 

Blend. Then put in a bowl and cover. 

Refrigerate for 1 hour.

When the mix is ready, heat up a non-stick skillet until very hot and pour about 1/4 cup of mixture into the pan, immediately maneuvering the pan to get the dough to spread thinly across the whole surface. This, is what the recipe told me to do, and for the first 4 crepes, I couldn't quite do it quick enough and always ended up with a little hole or two..

But being me, and determined to get it right, by the fifth crepe, I had the technique down. 

10 crepes later, I was ready for breakfast. I set one aside and froze the rest, with plastic in between each one. They can be kept frozen for up to two months. 

I cooked some bacon and scrambled eggs (done properly with butter instead of Pam) and tucked them inside. I also roasted some tomatoes (wash, halve, cover in olive oil/salt/pepper/oregano/basil/garlic, and place in a 190 degree Celsius oven for about 45 minutes until shriveled and slightly browned) and had them on the side.

Then just wrap it up and serve with tea (of course.)