Sunday 10 October 2010

A Walk In The Park

Needing to escape my dorm for a little while, I stepped out for an aimless walk through the area. Deciding to go left on the road I always go right on, I ended up at another University, the University of Nottingham, that put my Uni's campus to shame. Not only was it closer than my current Uni, its campus including fountains, wildlife, and a river. Oh, and most importantly, buildings that look like UFOs. 

Not to get all hopeless romantic on you but I really do love autumn. Calgary never really has a proper one, skipping straight from summer to winter in about a day, so I revel in the crunchy leaves and the chilly wind whenever I have the chance. 

This guy was feeding the fishies bread, which I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to do but the fish were clamoring so eagerly to get the food, and the water looked so murky, their flipping tails made it look like sea snakes were infesting the water. 

Now are they still called Canadian geese when not found on Canadian soil?

Yup, thats a UFO and...err..well, I'm not really sure what the red thing is. When in doubt, call it art. 

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