Wednesday 6 October 2010

Housewife in Training

Expect there to be a lot of posts about food over the course of this blog. My flat mates keep telling me I'm always in the kitchen and a friend of mine in Toronto once told me I'd make the perfect house wife. I took this as the ultimate compliment as I've always thought I would fit perfectly in the 1950's, pearls and all. (I know some of you are making 'women belong in the kitchen jokes' right now. Don't deny it, I know who you are.) 

I love to cook and bake, and spent much of the summer collecting and copying recipes from my mother, as well as from books and the internet in preparation for the upcoming year. Unlike residence in Toronto, there is no rez food here, and I thankfully have a full kitchen...which I intend to make full use of. 

We have limited fridge space but a rather large freezer, which, I imagine, is because they assume that as uni students all we eat is frozen pizza. Instead of resorting to the local cuisine of fried chicken and other quality take-away (although I will most likely come to rely on this during exam week...) I spent much of the first week making soups and quiches to tuck into the freezer for quickie meals. 

Here are some of the ones I've tried so far...
  • Apple and parsnip soup - A new favorite.
  • Roasted butternut squash soup - Found this a year or so ago and it has been one of my all-time favorite soups. 
  • Carrot and sweet potato soup
  • Broccoli Quiche - I tucked some cherry tomatoes in this as well. Simply roast them in the oven on low heat for an hour or two then plop them into the quiche. 
  • Swiss chard and potatoes - Simple but tasty, and good for using up extra swiss chard, since I had so much from the vegbox. I also used the swiss chard in omelettes with a little cream cheese.
  • Bubble and squeak - Just tried this today for lunch - a proper british pub meal! Added some cheese, carrots and onion as well. Was quite good, despite finding a little worm tucked in my cabbage while cleaning it (I guess thats what happens when you buy organic...So remember to soak it first...)
  • Healthy cookies - Had a craving for some oatmeal raisin cookies. These were very tasty...but probably not so healthy as I ate 5 right when they came out of the oven. 

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