Sunday 19 December 2010

Another Cheese Post

Yes, yes, I know you're probably all tired of me talking about cheese (well, maybe except my aunt Jennifer) but here is another one anyway. The boys went out to see a documentary so I planned to stay in and get some work done. Instead, I ended up conversing with their parents about capitalism, consumption, the art of horror films, the belief in souls, and the meaning of life, over a cheese plate and wine. Quite a good night actually.

From left to right: brie, gorgonzola, blacksticks blue, kit calvert wensleydale, and lancashire. The lancashire was by far my favorite. 

There was also sausage, peppers and cucumber, oatcakes, poppy seed crackers, table crackers, and white and brown bread rolls. Oh, and wine, of course. I'm definitely going to buy a bunch of different types of cheese when I get home and plop myself down with a bottle of white, some french bread, and pretend to be as civilized as I felt this very evening. 

Well, off to bed and Manchester tomorrow!!

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