Friday 10 December 2010

One Massive Vegetable Sandwich

There was a book I picked up from the library over the summer called 'Real Girls Eat.' I originally picked it up because I quite liked the name, having worked in fashion for a few years, I can relate to the misconception that all people in the fashion industry don't eat.

This book had a variety of recipes that I wanted to try. My favorites that I discovered over the summer were Carrot and Apple Muffins, Avocado Bruschetta, and the Grilled Vegetable Quesadilla. There was one recipe, however, that I never really got the chance to try. It seemed super easy, I just never had all the ingredients on hand. The Veggie Salad Sandwich is essentially a triple decker, with all of the following in between each layer: hummus, spinach, tomato, cucumber, avocado, cheese, tomato chutney, salt and pepper.

Finally had all the ingredients in my fridge at one point and here we go...

For the cheese, I decided to try stilton for the first time. Not being a fan of stinky cheeses quite yet, I opted for white as opposed to blue stilton. It was much milder than expected (and cheap, too!) I do love how cheap cheese is here. I have been consistently buying triangles of brie for only 80p and its enough for two big ol cranberry and brie sandwiches. 

I have also definitely become a fan of chutney while I've been here. How have I not found this stuff before? My mother is going to kill me since she used to try to get me out for indian food all the time and I consistently resisted, not really enjoying spicy food at the time, but turns out, I can't get enough of it here. This chutney is an organic sweet tomato and chili chutney from an english jam/chutney company. The avocados are also organic too!

The finished product. It wasn't quite as massive as it would have been with full-sized bread but since I probably couldn't eat that much, I opted for my thinly sliced baby bread. 


  1. well doesn't that look yummy! and we will go for indian food should you ever decide to come back to calgary :)

  2. oh i'll come back sometime. gotta get all my crap from home at least. :P
    but you could always visit me here....
