Saturday 11 December 2010

Walking Through the Lady Bay

Decided to walk back into town from a friends place, which is south from the city centre, while my place is north-west of it. The weather was so nice for once, I strolled along and took a couple pictures of the scenery, then stopped off in the city to shop.

The view from the Trent Bridge. 

Welcome to Nottingham!

I had been shopping in the city for a few hours and given that I had been (oddly) craving mushy peas and chips for the last week, I stopped off in the market square to pick some up. They put salt, vinegar AND THEN the mushy peas on top. Looks radioactive. Tastes great. I'm officially a dirty Brit. 

(I also tried roasted chestnuts at the market a few days before and loved them! They make your mouth feel strangely dry almost but have a lovely flavor. Bit of a bugger to break em apart though when its cold outside and your hands are freezing.)


  1. ewwww gross! where is the real Aleida - check the garden for pods!

  2. Take your finger away from the camera lens WOMAN! :P

    Mmm mushy peas. Om nom nom. Let's go for Indian food when I visit. Yes? Yes.

  3. i know i know!! i'm terrible at sticking my finger in front of the camera.

    and yes, we will definitely go for indian food. and gbk too. maybe i'll try making mushy peas as well.
