Monday 20 December 2010

Manchester Christmas Markets

Hopped on a train this morning, and then another train...and then another train... (due to some cancellations, delays, and break downs) and then finally made it to Manchester to check out their Christmas markets. They had several markets spread throughout the city center, split into German markets, French markets, etc. We took a stroll through all of them, admiring the fancy cheese, festive arts and crafts, sweets and treats. It was so cold though, that we ended up spending most of our time in pubs along the way, drinking mulled wine and spiked hot chocolate to keep warm.

Mittens and booties for sale in the German market.

German treats and candies.

The obligatory touristy shot.

Manchester's town hall.

Funky German wall clocks. The egg and bacon one is my personal favorite. 

Chocolate covered fruit! Something about chocolate and strawberries just goes so well peanut butter and banana or cheese and apple. It just works. 

Roast beast.

Creepy looking Santa sitting on the town hall.

Hope you were good this year kiddies cause if not, SANTA'S COMING TO GET YOU!


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