Thursday 23 December 2010

Kirky Lonsdale and the Lake District

Took a drive to a quaint little town called Kirky (pronounced Kirby) Lonsdale in Cumbria, England. Its right on the River Lune, which you can see a few pictures of below. Beautiful old cobblestone streets and rickety looking houses. There's a bridge in the town called the Devil's Bridge, which is named so because the devil apparently came to a woman there, and promised to build a bridge in exchange for the first soul that crossed it. Once it was built, the woman outwitted the devil by sending her dog across the bridge first. Makes you feel a bit bad for the dog, don't it?

The graveyard at St Mary's Church.

View of the river and the hills behind it.

A 'folly' in the churchyard. A folly is apparently a building made to look like an old ruin or castle turret, as it was once popular to have these in your in other words, a fake bit of castle.

The big iron fireplace/oven in the cafe we stopped into. Wouldn't that make some wonderful bread? I had sweet potato, tomato and sage soup. Was quite tasty. Think I'll search up some recipes of that to try.

The church again.

Lovely view of the river.

Notice the little Christmas trees protruding from the buildings? Not sure if they are town decorations but many of the houses had them too. 

After going to Kirky, we drove to the Lake District, which is a beautiful area. Along the highway, we were high enough to see hills and hills of English countryside, all the farmland separated by stone walls, speckled with sheepies. We stopped in Windermere, which is quite similar to Banff in Alberta. Bit of a tourist type town, with a nice lake front and a quarry. In the end though, it was too bloody cold so we ran back to the car after only a bit of shopping. 

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