Wednesday 29 December 2010

Yorkshire Dales and the Wensleydale Creamery

So we finally made it to the Wensleydale Creamery (remember the cheese with cranberries in it that I'd talked about earlier?) and although they weren't making cheese that day, we still got to meander the gift shop (Wallace and Gromit memorabilia galore!) and snarf down as many cheese samples as we could eat.

I tried one of each type available (which was probably about 15 cubes of cheese) and then couldn't quite figure out why I got so full, so fast, at dinner. They had 3 types of plain Wensleydale, one blue cheese, several types of Wensleydale with either fruit, vegetables, or other flavorings (cranberries, ginger - ew, pineapple, balsamic onions, caramelized onions, black pepper, apricot....the list goes on and on.) They also had double Gloucester and mature cheddar mixes. It was cheese sampling mecca. I picked up a mature cheddar and plain Wensleydale waxed round to bring home.

Here it is!

The drive on the way there was also quite scenic and although sometimes it was covered in fog, the parts we could see were beautiful. It is a very well known area called the Yorkshire Dales.

As usual, we stopped at a pub on our way back and right next to the pub was a very old looking bridge, holding up the railway tracks. We decided to brave the mud in our insensible footwear to get a closer look...

This was at the pub we went to, which I can't remember the name of now, but I just had to take a picture. 


  1. Isn't that the bridge from Harry Potter?

  2. hmm... dunno, i'm sure they would have had something posted if it were but wouldn't that be awesome!
